Legal Consultations

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years of experience
The best legal team ensuring quality, efficiency and commitment

Types of Law

Success cases




Support Payment (Preliminary Reconciliation)

Our client was providing a support payment for $ 2.000.000 COP, he couldn´t afford the same value, he decided to take legal action to make a reduction in the payment

Our client was providing a support payment for $ 2.000.000 COP, he couldn´t afford the same value, he decided to take legal action to make a reduction in the payment


Our client was paying a food fee for $362,000 COP with an annual increase according to the SMLMV. However, he could not continue contributing the same value, so he decided to take the necessary legal action to make an adjustment in the fee.

Sentencia Favorable

Favorable Judgment

Emergenciasjurí showed that the economic activity does not generate an impact in the area and that there are additionally other commercial premises in the sector, a situation that enabled us to request the right to equality in this matter.

Clonación de tarjetas

Banks - Card cloning managed to get Banco de Bogotá to make a refund for the value of the purchases made by demonstrating that they were fraudulent actions. Our client contacted us from Australia, he was a victim of cloning of his Banco de Bogotá credit card, while in Australia they used his card, in Colombia in person at two commercial establishments in Bogotá and made purchases for more than $4,000,000. Once he detected the purchases in his statements, he tried to request through communications that the bank and/or the defender of the financial system help him, however he did not achieve any positive results, and his alleged debt was already in collection. prejudicial Emergencies Jurídicas managed, through the right of petition and action of guardianship, that Banco de Bogotá reversed the purchases and returned the interest that was charged to our user, recognizing that a fraud had been carried out.

Clonación de tarjetas

Ownership claim process

Within this process, it was sought to recover ownership of an apartment located in the city of Medellin, the problem originated because the owner of this property was a foreigner who constantly visited Colombia to spend vacations in the city, but the plaintiff did not return to the country. and the relatives of his ex-wife entered to live in it for 9 years.
The lawsuit was filed in the civil courts of Medellín, where the procedural stages of personal notification and by notice were attended, exceptions proposed by the defendant's defense were answered and the hearing set by the office was attended in a timely manner, the process ended by conciliation between the parties, due to the overwhelming evidence that as a firm we provide within the lawsuit.

Clonación de tarjetas

Food executive process

In this process, we acted as representatives of the executed party, who contacted us when the executive process had already advanced in the office and the embargo measure had already been decreed, which was made effective in his payroll account, monthly deducting the money to cover The duty.
At, we studied the case and determined that it was feasible to present a credit settlement, which was prepared and filed in the Enforcement Court, together with the request to lift the precautionary measure and termination of the process, since made the calculation of the monies contributed and it was concluded that the defendant no longer owed money for food, which represented an unjustified discount, the office agreed to the requests and additionally ordered to return the monies that were withheld above the value owed.

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Our client was paying a food fee for $362,000 COP with an annual increase according to the SMLMV. However, he could not continue contributing the same value, so he decided to take the necessary legal action to make an adjustment in the fee.



Emergenciasjurí showed that the economic activity does not generate an impact in the area and that there are additionally other commercial premises in the sector, a situation that enabled us to request the right to equality in this matter.


5/5 managed to get Banco de Bogotá to make a refund for the value of the purchases made by demonstrating that they were fraudulent actions.

Our client contacted us from Australia, he was a victim of cloning of his Banco de Bogotá credit card, while in Australia they used his card, in Colombia in person at two commercial establishments in Bogotá and made purchases for more than $4,000,000.

Once he detected the purchases in his statements, he tried to request through communications that the bank and/or the defender of the financial system help him, however he did not achieve any positive results, and his alleged debt was already in collection. prejudicial Emergencies Jurídicas managed, through the right of petition and action of guardianship, that Banco de Bogotá reversed the purchases and returned the interest that was charged to our user, recognizing that a fraud had been carried out.

Ownership claim process


Within this process, it was sought to recover ownership of an apartment located in the city of Medellin, the problem originated because the owner of this property was a foreigner who constantly visited Colombia to spend vacations in the city, but the plaintiff did not return to the country. and the relatives of his ex-wife entered to live in it for 9 years.
The lawsuit was filed in the civil courts of Medellín, where the procedural stages of personal notification and by notice were attended, exceptions proposed by the defendant’s defense were answered and the hearing set by the office was attended in a timely manner, the process ended by conciliation between the parties, due to the overwhelming evidence that as a firm we provide within the lawsuit.

Food executive process


In this process, we acted as representatives of the executed party, who contacted us when the executive process had already advanced in the office and the embargo measure had already been decreed, which was made effective in his payroll account, monthly deducting the money to cover The duty.
At, we studied the case and determined that it was feasible to present a credit settlement, which was prepared and filed in the Enforcement Court, together with the request to lift the precautionary measure and termination of the process, since made the calculation of the monies contributed and it was concluded that the defendant no longer owed money for food, which represented an unjustified discount, the office agreed to the requests and additionally ordered to return the monies that were withheld above the value owed.



$40 USD per consultation

  • You don’t know what to do in a situation
  • You need urgent help
  • Do you want to find out about something?
  • Google answers are not enough

If you don’t like the service, we guarantee your money back.

Redaction of documents

$40 USD /first payment

  • The format you found on Google does not convince you
  • You have specific requirements to add to the document and you don’t know how to do it
  • You prefer to make sure that an expert writes your document with the law requires and the corrects arguments.

Right of Petition: from 70 USD
Labor Request: from 50 USD
Guardianship Action: from 150 USD
Accompaniment to Virtual Conciliation: from 200 USD

Others: Directly with the lawyer.

Right of Petition: from 70 USD
Labor Request: from 50 USD
Guardianship Action: from 150 USD
Accompaniment to Virtual Conciliation: from 200 USD
Others: Directly with the lawyer.

How to handle
a case?

40 USD /per appointment

  • You have doubts about how much a case may cost
  • You have a complicated case and you need support from a law firm with more than 30 years of experience
  • You want to meet with a lawyer immediately to discuss your situation

Receive the consultation immediately with one of our expert lawyers in your type of case.

How does it work?

The process is very simple, our website is designed so that you can access advice quickly and in a timely manner.

Emergency, document drafting or appointment with a lawyer, choose one of our services, tell us about your situation and we will contact you as soon as possible.

If you do not know very well what your situation is or what you need, just click on the button to make an inquiry

Why are we
the best option?

What is the guarantee

One of the main barriers that prevents citizens’ access to the administration of justice is precisely the lack of knowledge of the law. According to the International Commission of Jurists:
“Another frequent reason why people refrain from going to justice is that they do not know their rights or the tools to enforce them. According to the results of the First National Justice Survey, there is a positive correlation between knowledge of their rights and people’s levels of education and income.”
The way to break this barrier is precisely by going to a specialist who knows not only the rights that citizens have, but more importantly, the means to demand compliance, since not knowing how to exercise a right is like not having it.
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Direct communication with a lawyer

In you do not need to wait for an appointment with one of our lawyers, they are ready to assist you at any time, that is why our communication channels are always open.

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Cheap rates

Far from the very high prices of law firms, we have designed a service that allows us to translate the advantages of the virtual world into benefits for our clients, guaranteeing professionalism and quality.

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We go hand-in-hand with justice

The government accept the virtuality in many situations allowing justice to become more efficient.

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Permanent contact

We have different communication channels at your service, you don´t need to wait an appointment to talk a lawyer, our team is ready immediately you need it.

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Virtuality allows us to be much faster than traditional lawyers, that's why you always find a timely response.

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Direct communication with a lawyer

In you do not need to wait for an appointment with one of our lawyers, they are ready to assist you at any time, that is why our communication channels are always open.

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Cheap rates

Far from the very high prices of law firms, we have designed a service that allows us to translate the advantages of the virtual world into benefits for our clients, guaranteeing professionalism and quality.

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We go hand-in-hand with justice

The government accept the virtuality in many situations allowing justice to become more efficient.

Icono de contacto permanente de la sección de por qué elegir a como los abogados para llevar un caso
Permanent contact

We have different communication channels at your service, you don´t need to wait an appointment to talk a lawyer, our team is ready immediately you need it.

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Virtuality allows us to be much faster than traditional lawyers, that's why you always find a timely response.

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That value our work


El Espectador

Lawyer Andrés Garzón Roa, who is a consultant in criminal law of explains what will happen in the penal code after the decision of the criminal court published 21 of February of 2022.

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On #MartesDeMujeres of Noticias Caracol, the famous journalist Juanita Gómez, highlights the work of our leader, who wants improve the situation of different woman through

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